Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feb. 24_LectureBlog

  • Modern Design
  • DADA
  • Kurt Schwitters
  • De Stijl
  • Peter Oud
  • Gerrit Rietveid
  • The Bauhaus
  • Moholy Nagy
  • Herbert Bayer
  • El Lissitzky
  • Tschichoid

In tonight's class we discussed modernism and the transition into sans-serif typefaces being the basis of modern design. The modern movement was led by the Bauhaus and their inspiration from expressionism and handicraft. The Bauhaus is also the model for most art schools in the 20th century. Type and image play a major roll in modern graphic design and the preliminary colors. Another strong influence was Jan Tschichold and him bringing 20th century graphic design expression into full realization. He also gave whitespce a new roll.

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