Wednesday, February 17, 2010

unit 2_lecture 2

  • Russian suprematism
  • Kasimir Malevish
  • Constructivism
  • Suprematism
  • Revolutionary discipline
  • Rodchenko
  • Kandinsky
  • Communism
  • Cubism
  • El Lissinzky
  • Photomontage
  • Soviet propaganda
  • Film
  • Typographic grid
  • The Steinberg Brothers
  • De Stijl

El Lissizky was probably the most influental designer we have covered yet in this class. From establishing the grids in his work to the photomontage that he addapted from rodchenko. He embodied ideals not only as functions. Also Lissizky used architecture to help structure his designs being that this is what he studied in Darmstadt. Another powerful group was the Steinberg Brothers who brought in a fun characteristic to graphic design and also took a lot of influence from film and the use of a light source.

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